Getting Through This Time of Crisis and How To Safe Guard Yourself
All of our lives has changed in just one week, the Coronavirus also known as Covid-19 has dawned on us before we know it, it literally shutdown the world... After a few days of accepting this new reality, I have found my ground again. I start to adjust my new work environment – home. I start to draw; paint; make art; design and create my story again…
At the mean time, I want to share a letter sent to me from a friend who is the head of a major hospital on how to protect ourselves during this period. The letter goes:
“ The Chinese has began to understand the characteristics of the Covid-19, it characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick milk like fluids that solidifies and block the airways and lungs. They have discovered that in order to apply medicines, you have to open and unblock these airways for medicines to take effect. Their recommendation for what you can do to safeguard yourself are:
- Drink lots of hot liquid, coffee; soup; tea and warm water. In addition, take a sip of warm water every 20 minus because it carries any virus that might enter your mouth into your stomach and the gastric juice can neutralizes it before it gets into your lungs.
- Gargle with an antiseptic and warm water, like vinegar, salt or lemon everyday if possible.
- The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes, any detergent or soap will kill it, but you must take a bath or shower when you get in from the street, avoid sitting down anywhere, go straight into the shower. If you can not wash your clothes daily, hang them in direct sunlight which also neutralizes the virus.
- Wash metallic surfaces very carefully because the virus can be viable on these surfaces for up to 9 days. Be vigilant on touching handrails and door handles, be sure to wipe them down regularly at home.
- Don’t smoke.
- Washing your hands every 20 minutes using hand soap that foams, do this for 20 seconds and wash your hands thoroughly.
- Eat fruits and vegetables, try to elevate your zinc levels, not just your vitamin C levels.
- Animals do not transmit this virus, it’s a person to person transmission.
- Try to avoid common flu because this will weaken your immune system and try to avoid eating and drinking anything cold.
- If you feel any discomfort in your throat or sore throat, use the above methodic to attack it immediately, the virus enter the system this way and remain in your system for 3 to 4 days before it passes your throat into your lungs.”
I have heard study report from multiple medical sources and they are all very similar, I hope this helps, stay warm and save!
With Love,
How the Art Collection came to life
How the Art Collection came to life
When people see the first Art Collection online, a few asked where did the idea come from…? What inspires me and why show an Art Collection with 5 times the price of our ready to wear at a time that the market is driven by sales…?
The Powerful Feminist
What's the story behind your label?
Initially, I wanted to do a brand that's completely based in New York, from the designing to the sample making to the production, everything in New York, and now as we go along the idea becomes more clear, and more sustainable. We are currently 38% sustainable, but we have a goal to increase that number every season, and on top of everything being based in New York, the label is an idea that represents the power of feminists, that's how I'd describe it. So, we are targeting women in the workforce, who dress for work and for an outing and not afraid to show the feminist side in a subtly yet elegant way, and of course, the brand has an Eastern aesthetic, because that's associated with my background.
How do you incorporate the Eastern aesthetic?
Sometimes it's just the feeling. It's not really about a specific color, it's the style, the message, for example, last season in London, in February, a lot of our clothes were the high neck, which was found a lot in Asia 100 years ago, so that type of style.
You were talking about sustainability, why is sustainability important for you?
Because fashion is one of the biggest polluting industries in the world, and I think it will make a huge difference if our generation works towards that goal. That is very meaningful for us.
Where are you sourcing your materials from?
Right now, we source our material within New York, however, in the new season, we hope to travel around the world in the hope of finding more sustainable suppliers.
Where did the idea to hand paint collection pieces come from?
We look for something unique each season. My inspiration for the AW18 collection came from the Château de Versailles, Paris, so the feeling of traditional colours like Blue and Gold, are represented in the collection. Also, hand painting makes sense to us, as a smaller brand, because if we were to use prints, we may not meet the supplier's minimum. So with this collection, everything is made to order.
In terms of stockists and buyers, are you stocked anywhere at the moment?
Right now we are only selling in one shop in London.

What are you planning to do in the next few seasons?
So last season we showed in London, and were also quite lucky there, as we had lots of interviews. I also feel the consumer in the UK embrace individuality; a lot of people go for the smaller brands. However, when I went to London, I realized that there is no tradeshow that caters to our category, as our section was very quiet at 'Pure', so many buyers don't go there to buy our category. I was talking to other people in the industry, in London, and they said I should try out ‘Scoop’ as this is a tradeshow catering to the higher end of the market in London. So I reached out to the organizer and she loved the collection, but when she saw the price point, she said they don't reach out to the right buyer for us. I asked for her (the organizer) recommendation in Europe, and she told us we should try ‘Vendome Luxury' in Paris, so that's where we’ll be next season. That will be the SS19 collection showing in September.
What are you currently working on?
Right now we’re working on collaborating with charities, so you can see more of the ideas that we value, and how we act as a brand. In regards to this, we want to do it in a creative way, and our business to give back to society, that's our ultimate goal. So we plan to partner with local charities, for example, right now we are based in New York, but once we start traveling for sourcing, in order to become more sustainable, we want to give back to that part of the world in some way. We’re hoping to partner with charities that help children discover their talent, that's what I'm passionate about.